planet-friendly shopping


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Help the planet and bend the market with your shopping choices!

Our mission is to help you care for yourself, your family, and the planet – all at the same time. We source products that reduce plastic waste and enhance well-being. This means they are earth, people, and creature friendly. And they are tested by us to be sure they deliver great results. 

Tastes and preferences vary. We offer choices to satisfy almost everyone. And we're always adding more.

Our reviews describe products without saying which we think are best. We understand that everyone has their own preferences. Please feel free to leave your own reviews!

Whenever you need to buy something check us out to see if there’s an Unplastix option. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, let us know and we’ll search high and low. We want to make it easy for everyone to switch to Unplastix. 

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Some planet-friendly products may perform differently.

Switching to Unplastix may take a tiny learning curve. But it’s worth it. For example, deodorant or lip balm in a cardboard tube, toothpaste in a tablet, or shampoo in a bar may not be what you’re used to. Our experience is – they grow on you. Part of this is the awareness that these products are formulated and packaged in ways that are better for us and the planet. Another part is the high quality ingredients and unique formulas that work remarkably well. We test every product and only offer it if we’re satisfied with it’s performance.

Disclosure:  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying links. This means, if you click on the link and purchase the product, you are buying it through I receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Even though it won’t cost you more, it will help me continue the quest for planet-friendly products. I only recommend products that I have used and believe will satisfy others committed to reducing plastic waste.

Latest Products

Personal Care

Explore planet-friendly health and hygiene products for you and everyone you care for.

Household & Pets

Find ways to care for your home, your pets, and the planet all at the same time.


Check out our growing selection of planet-friendly makeup. You'll love the way these boost your beauty with equal care for the planet.

Latest Trash Talk Posts

Trash Talk is our blog. We post information on products and issues to help you find ways to bend the market and heal the planet. Enjoy and leave comments.

Big Oil makes over $400 billion a year on plastics. They have always promised recycling solutions and have never delivered. By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans. It’s on us to use our power as consumers to bend the market and heal the planet.… 

We’re littering the planet with the very products we use to clean our homes. It’s easy to see why. Most of them are made from or packaged in plastic that can’t be recycled and will never biodegrade. These bottles, packaging, and cleaning items will last for hundreds of years in landfills and oceans. Unplastix hopes … 

Unplastix is launching with a collection of Personal Care essentials that most of us use every day. All are formulated and packaged to enhance your well-being while caring for the planet at the same time.

Shop with the Planet in Mind: Unplastix

Plastic waste and climate change are a double whammy trending in the wrong direction. What can we as consumers do about this global crisis before it’s too late?

The planet scored a big win on March 4 when 190 countries reached a breakthrough agreement protecting the world’s oceans. Whether or not the US joins this urgent global effort hangs in the balance. Here’s what you should know and do.

In November, the UN launched a global initiative to end plastic waste. Delegates from 160 countries met to begin negotiations focused on reaching an agreement by the end of 2024. Reuters reported that there is already a split that puts at risk the global cooperation needed to end plastic pollution. Here’s what you can do about it…

Our love affair with plastic is over, but it’s hard to walk away. Almost everything we buy is made from or packaged in the stuff. Plastics are trashing our beautiful planet. We need to get real and figure out what to do about this unhealthy relationship. 

“Unplastix is for people who want to care for the planet while they also care for themselves and their family."

Sharon Peaslee with her dog Sadie

Sharon Peaslee, Founder

As consumers we have the power to heal the planet and bend the market. We can do both at the same time by shopping for products that solve problems.

We are the market. When we buy products that have been designed, created, and packaged with the planet in mind we show businesses this is what consumers want. And that’s pressure on them to change their products in the right direction!


We hope you’re curious about where we’re headed. Please contact us.

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